Emotion Classification of Indonesian Tweets using BERT Embedding





BERT, CNN, LSTM, Twitter


Twitter is one of the social media that has the largest users in the world. Indonesia is one of the countries that has the 5th largest number of Twitter users in the world which causes a high possibility of conflict between Indonesian Twitter users due to emotional tension in tweets. In this paper, we will compare the BERT embedding method with CNN and LSTM. The results of this experiment are BERT-CNN has the best performance results which has an accuracy of 61% compared to BERT-LSTM. In the experiment several stages of data preprocessing, data cleaning, data spiting and data training were carried out and the results were evaluated using confusion metrics.


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How to Cite

M. H. Algifari and E. D. Nugroho, “Emotion Classification of Indonesian Tweets using BERT Embedding”, JAIC, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 172–176, Nov. 2023.

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