..:: MAIN MENU ::..
..:: Journal Accreditation ::..
This page presents the titles of articles that have undergone the review process in accordance with the guidelines of JAIC Journal and are ready to be included in Volume 9, Number 3. Although these articles have not been assigned page numbers and publication dates yet, both will be determined as soon as these articles are published in their complete and integral form.
1. Implementation of YOLO v11 for Image-Based Litter Detection and Classification in Environmental Management Efforts
Author(s): Lingga Kurnia Ramadhani, Bajeng Nurul Widyaningrum
2. Sentiment Analysis on BRImo Application Reviews Using IndoBERT
Author(s): Asyer Aprinando Pratama Simarmata, Theopilus Bayu Sasongko
3. Optimization of Random Forest Algorithm with Backward Elimination Method in Classification of Academic Stress Levels
Author(s): Salsabila Dani Amalia, Mula Agung Barata, Pelangi Eka Yuwita
4. Enhancing Web Security and Performance with Hybrid Stateless Authentication
Author(s): Benedictus Mario, Trianggoro Wiradinata, Christian
5. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Lightweight Encryption Algorithms on Data Performance and Security on IoT Devices
Author(s): Damar Indrajati, Wahid Miftahul Ashari
6. User Interface Evaluation of the Sumber Alam Ekspres Application Using the Heuristic Evaluation Method
Author(s): Arvin Claudy Frobenius, Rizki Candra Kurniawan
..:: MAIN MENU ::..
..:: Journal Accreditation ::..
..:: e-ISSN ::..
..:: Member of ::..
Organized by : Department of Informatic Engineering Politeknik Negeri Batam
Published by : Politeknik Negeri Batam
Jl. Ahmad Yani, Batam Center, Batam 29461
Phone: +62 778 469856 Ext 1041
E-mail: jaic@polibatam.ac.id | jaic.polibatam@gmail.com
JAIC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.