Forthcoming Issue

This page presents the titles of articles that have undergone the review process in accordance with the guidelines of JAIC Journal and are ready to be included in Volume 9, Number 2. Although these articles have not been assigned page numbers and publication dates yet, both will be determined as soon as these articles are published in their complete and integral form.

1. Comparison of Support Vector Machine and Decision Tree Algorithm Performance with Undersampling Approach in Predicting Heart Disease Based on Lifestyle
Author(s): Gusti Ayu Putu Febriyanti, Anna Baita

2. Detecting Political Hoax News in Indonesia with Fine-tuning INDOBERT
Author(s): Charlotte Jocelynne, IGN Lanang Wijayakusuma, Luh Putu Ida Harini

3. The Role of Marketplaces in Assisting MSME Growth Using the Systematic Literature Review Method
Author(s): Rizqi Kurnia Sari, Muhammad Adie Syaputra

4. Performance Analysis of the Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Model in Yogyakarta Tourism Recommendations
Author(s): Melany Mustika Dewi, Ria Andriani, M. Nuraminudin

5. Optimization of Application Deployment Architecture in Container Orchestration
Author(s): Mochamad Rizal Fachrudin, Ahmad Rofiqul Muslikh

6. Implementation of SVM Algorithm to Predict Song Popularity based on Sentiment Analysis of Lyrics
Author(s): Quiin Latifah Almatin Lubis, Arif Akbarul Huda

7. Comparison of ResNet-50, EfficientNet-B1, and VGG-16 Algorithms for Cataract Eye Image Classification
Author(s): Ilham Santoso, Ayub Michaelangelo Manurung, Egia Rosi Subhiyakto

8. Comparison of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) Algorithm Performance with Random Undersampling Technique to Predict Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Risk
Author(s): Annisa Damayanti, Anna Baita

9. Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with LDA and IndoBERT Algorithm on Mental Health App: Riliv
Author(s): Firda Ayu Dwi Aryanti, Ardytha Luthfiarta, Dennis Adiwinata Irwan Soeroso

10. Prediction of Corrosion Inhibitor Efficiency Based on Quinoxaline Compounds Using Polynomial Regression
Author(s): Bastion Jader Rana, Noor Ageng Setiyanto, Muhamad Akrom

11. Enhancing Website Security Using Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) Based on OWASP Top Ten
Author(s): Diana Rohmaniah, Wahid Miftahul Ashari, Lukman Lukman, Andriyan Dwi Putra

12. Evaluation of Wireless LAN Quality of Service (QoS) in Primary Education Using TIPHON Standards
Author(s): Hizkiana Ruli Oktaseli, Andika Agus Slameto

13. Optimization of Inventory Management with QR Code Integration and Sequential Search Algorithm: A Case Study in a Regional Revenue Office
Author(s): Moh Fajar, Ryfial Azhar, Yusuf Anshori, Rahma Laila, Rinianty ., Nouval Trezandy Lapatta

14. Effectiveness of AdaBoost and XGBoost Algorithms in Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews
Author(s): I Gusti Ayu Nandia Lestari, Ni Made Rai Masita Dewi, Komang Gita Meiliana, I Komang Agus Ady Aryanto

15. Expert System for Diagnosing Shallot Plant Diseases Using the Forward Chaining Method
Author(s): Dani Ahmad Izzul Haq

16. Implementation of LSTM Method on Tidal Prediction in Semarang Region
Author(s): Panreshma Rizkha Ambadar, Dian C Rini Novitasari, Yuniar Farida, Moh Hafiyusholeh, Fajar Setiawan

17. Improving Attack Detection in IoV with Class Balancing and Feature Selection
Author(s): Thierry Widyatama, Ifan Rizqa, Fauzi Adi Rafrastara

18. Breast Cancer Detection using Decision Tree and Random Forest
Author(s): Fergie Joanda Kaunang

19. Balancing CICIoV2024 Dataset with RUS for Improved IoV Attack Detection
Author(s): Muhammad David Firmansyah, Ifan Rizqa, Fauzi Adi Rafrastara

20.  Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of Reviews for Pandawa Beach Using Naive Bayes and SVM Methods
Author(s): Made Ayu Asri Oktarini Putri, I Wayan Sumarjaya, I Gusti Ngurah Lanang Wijayakusuma

21. Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Menstrual Cycle Analysis and Prediction
Author(s): Mutiara Khairunisa, Desak Made Sidantya Amanda Putri, I Gusti Ngurah Lanang Wijayakusuma

22. Twitter Sentiment Analysis on Digital Payment in Indonesia Using Artificial Neural Network
Author(s): Siska Febriani, Vera wati, Yuli Wijayanti, Irwan Siswanto

23. Machine Learning-Based Approach for HIV/AIDS Prediction: Feature Selection and Data Balancing Strategy
Author(s): Abd Mizwar A. Rahim, Bambang Pilu Hartato, Ahmad Ridwan, Firman Asharudin

24. Comparative Study of the ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) Method and Multiple Linear Regression in Metro City Population Growth Projections
Author(s):  Tri Aristi Saputri, Allien Moetiara Rachma Ajiz, Dani Febritama

25. Sentiment Analysis Using LSTM Algorithm Regarding Grab Application Services in Indonesia
Author(s): Akbar Rizky Gunawan, Rifda Faticha Alfa Aziza

26. The Application of Deep Learning for Skin Disease Classification Using the EfficientNet-B1 Model
Author(s): Ayub Michaelangelo Manurung, Ilham Santoso, Egia Rosi Subhiyakto