Comparative Analysis of OpenMP and MPI Parallel Computing Implementations in Team Sort Algorithm


  • Eko Dwi Nugroho Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Ilham Firman Ashari Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Muhammad Nashrullah Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Muhammad Habib Algifari Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Miranti Verdiana Institut Teknologi Sumatera



MPI, OpenMP, Parallel Computation, Parallelization, Team Sort Algorithm


Tim Sort is a sorting algorithm that combines Merge Sort and Binary Insertion Sort sorting algorithms. Parallel computing is a computational processing technique in parallel or is divided into several parts and carried out simultaneously. The application of parallel computing to algorithms is called parallelization. The purpose of parallelization is to reduce computational processing time, but not all parallelization can reduce computational processing time. Our research aims to analyse the effect of implementing parallel computing on the processing time of the Tim Sort algorithm. The Team Sort algorithm will be parallelized by dividing the flow or data into several parts, then each sorting and recombining them. The libraries we use are OpenMP and MPI, and tests are carried out using up to 16 core processors and data up to 4194304 numbers. The goal to be achieved by comparing the application of OpenMP and MPI to the Team Sort algorithm is to find out and choose which library is better for the case study, so that when there is a similar case, it can be used as a reference for using the library in solving the problem. The results of research for testing using 16 processor cores and the data used prove that the parallelization of the Sort Team algorithm using OpenMP is better with a speed increase of up to 8.48 times, compared to using MPI with a speed increase of 8.4 times. In addition, the increase in speed and efficiency increases as the amount of data increases. However, the increase in efficiency that is obtained by increasing the processor cores decreases.


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How to Cite

E. D. Nugroho, I. F. Ashari, M. Nashrullah, M. H. Algifari, and M. Verdiana, “Comparative Analysis of OpenMP and MPI Parallel Computing Implementations in Team Sort Algorithm”, JAIC, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 141–149, Nov. 2023.

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