Comparison of EfficientNet-B0 and ResNet-50 for Detecting Diseases in Cocoa Fruit


  • Ni Putu Maylianti Matematika, Universitas Udayana
  • I Gusti Ngurah Lanang Wijayakusuma Matematika, Universitas Udayana
  • I Putu Chandra Arta Wiguna Matematika, Universitas Udayana



Cocoa Diseases, Classification, Convolution Neural Network, EfficientNet-B0, ResNet 50


Cocoa is a plant that is very susceptible to disease. One of the diseases that often attacks cocoa is black spots on the fruit. Detecting diseases in cocoa fruit is usually done manually by experts, which has limitations in providing information and is very expensive. this study proposes a model for detecting cocoa fruit diseases based on deep learning, namely convolution neural networks (CNN). This study compares CNN architectures, namely EfficientNetB0 and ResNet50 because these two architectures are very popular. EfficientNetB0 is known to be efficient in utilizing model parameters and the ability to achieve high accuracy, while ResNet50 uses Residual block recognition which allows deeper and more accurate model training. The dataset used is 3344 healthy cocoa fruit images, 943 black pod rot images and 103 pod borer images. From this study, the results for the accuracy of both methods are equally superior with an accuracy of 96% while for the precision of the EfficientNetB0 architecture is superior to ResNet50 with a value of 95.7% while for recall and f1-score ResNet50 is superior with a recall value of 94.7% and f1-score 93.3%. Based on the Confusion Matrix, it can be seen that ResNet50 is able to predict pod borer accurately so it can be concluded that in this study ResNet 50 is superior to EfficientNetB0. However, ResNet50 requires more parameters than EfficientNetB0 so ResNet50 requires a very large amount of data and when using a small amount of data EfficientNetB0 is more suitable for use.


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How to Cite

N. P. Maylianti, I. G. N. L. Wijayakusuma, and I. P. C. Arta Wiguna, “Comparison of EfficientNet-B0 and ResNet-50 for Detecting Diseases in Cocoa Fruit”, JAIC, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 115–120, Jan. 2025.

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