Use Case Framework of Computerized Production Monitoring Processes in Textile Industry


  • Irma Santikarama Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
  • Faiza Renaldi Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
  • Fatan Kasyidi Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
  • Agya Java Maulidin Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani



Use Case Framework, Textile Industry


Use cases are a description of system functions resulting from needs analysis and obtained from interviews and observations. In standard practices, this stage is also known as the most time-consuming stage. Although every use case produced in software development is unique, there is always a similarity in its function to systems made previously in other organizations. These similarities are studied to reduce time in the process during the requirements analysis stage. Many studies have built and used a Use Case Framework (UCF) to be used together by software developers. So far, UCF has been owned by the banking industry in mapping use case standards in ATMs, health in standardizing use cases in electronic medical records, libraries in standardizing information retrieval, and mapping processes in crowdfunding. This research adds to the list of the latest UCFs produced, namely in the related textile industry, in standardizing the functions that exist in computer-based production monitoring systems. It is based on the fact that there are many textile companies globally, with more than 1.000 of them are established in Indonesia. This study investigated eight Indonesian textile companies to obtain information data to determine what functions are required, t. The data collection techniques used were interviews and observation. More stages were carried out in this study afterward, namely defining Actor Analysis and Functional Methods, Combining Analysis, Classification of Use Cases, Describing Use Case Scenarios, and Visualizing Frameworks. The data analysis results obtained from each company, we managed to define 10 main use cases, 4 supporting use cases, and four specific use cases. This study's products can help provide a reference in using case design to create a computer-based textile company monitoring system.


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How to Cite

I. Santikarama, F. Renaldi, F. Kasyidi, and A. J. Maulidin, “Use Case Framework of Computerized Production Monitoring Processes in Textile Industry”, JAIC, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 31–39, Apr. 2022.




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