Analisis Sentimen Twitter Terhadap Opini Publik Atas Isu Pencalonan Puan Maharani dalam PILPRES 2024


  • Defangga Aby Vonega Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Aminudin Fadila Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Dwi Ely Kurniawan Politeknik Negeri Batam



Political, Sentiment Analysist, SentiWordNet, TextBlob, VaderSentiment


Twitter can be seen as a platform for candidates and users to gain substantial reach to show their views on who the president will be elected to in 2024. The aim of this study is to explore contrasting information over time regarding whether Puan Maharani can be one of the candidates. The best according to the Indonesian people. In this study, sentiment analysis was carried out using the text mining method and several libraries such as TextBlob, VaderSentiment, and SentiWordNet to retrieve and classify the polarity of opinions from data that had been crawled. In the dataset generated with the keyword "Puan Maharani" The average negative sentiment is only 0.1%, neutral sentiment is 97.25, and positive sentiment is 2.55%. It can be concluded that Twitter users tend to be neither aggressive nor defensive in discussing issues leading to the candidacy of Puan Maharani in the upcoming 2024 Indonesian presidential election.


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How to Cite

D. A. Vonega, A. Fadila, and D. E. Kurniawan, “Analisis Sentimen Twitter Terhadap Opini Publik Atas Isu Pencalonan Puan Maharani dalam PILPRES 2024”, JAIC, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 129–135, Nov. 2022.

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