Lung X-ray Image Similarity Analysis Using RGB Pixel Comparison Method

  • Sofyan Pariyasto Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Sejati
  • Suryani . Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Sejati
  • Vicky Arfeni Warongan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Sejati
  • Arini Vika Sari Universitas Budi Darma
  • Wahyu Wijaya Widiyanto Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta
Keywords: X-Ray Image, Lungs Similarity, RGB Similarity, Lung comparison, Pixel Comparison


The high death rate caused by pneumonia and Covid-19 is still quite high. Based on data released by WHO, 14% of deaths in children under 5 years old are caused by pneumonia. One of the processes carried out to help the diagnosis process is to look at lung images using X-Ray images. To obtain information about normal lung X-Ray images, Pneumonia and Covid-19, calculations are carried out using the color difference in each pixel of the X-ray image. The calculation process will provide output in the form of numbers in units of 0 to 100. This is done to facilitate the process of identifying the similarity of each X-Ray image being compared. The research stages are carried out with stages starting from adjusting the image size, then by breaking down the pixel values of the two images being compared and the process of calculating the difference in value from each pixel with the same coordinates. After calculating a combination of 30,000 combinations using 300 x-ray images, the results obtained in the form of the level of similarity between normal x-ray images and pneumonia x-ray images are the highest with a similarity percentage of 80.06%. The combination of normal images and pneumonia images is 10,000 combinations using 100 normal x-ray images and 100 pneumonia x-ray images. Normal x-ray images and covid x-ray images have a similarity of 79.18%. The combination of normal images and covid images is 10,000 combinations. The combination uses 100 normal x-ray images and 100 covid x-ray images. Pneumonia x-ray images and covid x-ray images have the lowest similarity level of 78.87%. The combination of pneumonia x-ray images and covid x-ray images is 10,000 combinations. The data used in the combination are 100 pneumonia images and 100 covid images. From the test results, the information obtained was that Accuracy was worth 0.54, Precision was worth 0.54, Recall was worth 0.59 and F1-score was worth 0.56.


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How to Cite
S. Pariyasto, S. ., V. Warongan, A. Sari, and W. Widiyanto, “Lung X-ray Image Similarity Analysis Using RGB Pixel Comparison Method”, JAIC, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 161-167, Jan. 2025.