Improvement of Spelling Correction Accuracy in Indonesian Language through the Application of Hamming Distance Method


  • Mudawil Qulub Universitas Bumigora
  • Rifqi Hammad Universitas Bumigora
  • Pahrul Irfan Universitas Bumigora
  • Yuliana Yuliana Institut Shanti Bhuana



Hamming Distance, Spelling Correction, Indonesian Language


Spelling correction is a critical feature in software to reduce typing errors, commonly found in document processing software and smartphone keyboards. This research aims to evaluate the accuracy of the Hamming Distance method in correcting words in the Indonesian language, both standard and non-standard forms. The research data is derived from a previous study and comprises 60 standard and non-standard Indonesian words. Typos are generated by considering the layout of letters on the QWERTY keyboard. Typing error data is divided into two groups, namely words with 1 and 2 character differences. The first test is conducted on standard words, achieving an accuracy rate of 98.33% for 1 and 2 character differences. Subsequent testing on non-standard words shows an accuracy rate of 100% for 1 character difference and 96.67% for 2 character differences. The results of this research highlight the potential of the Hamming Distance method in improving the quality of spelling correction in the Indonesian language.


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How to Cite

M. Qulub, R. Hammad, P. Irfan, and Y. Yuliana, “Improvement of Spelling Correction Accuracy in Indonesian Language through the Application of Hamming Distance Method”, JAIC, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 271–277, Dec. 2023.

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