Sentiment Analysis of Sirekap Application Users Using the Support Vector Machine Algorithm


  • Joko Setyanto Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
  • Theopilus Bayu Sasongko Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta



Sentiment Analysis, Sirekap, Support Vector Machine, Wordcloud


In the current era of digitalization, various activities are conducted using technology to aid their execution, including the democratic process scheduled for February 2024. The Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) is utilizing a mobile-based application called Sirekap. During the previous presidential and vice-presidential elections, there were many pros and cons regarding the Sirekap application. A significant number of negative reviews were expressed by the public towards this application. This study employs the SVM algorithm to perform sentiment analysis of Sirekap application users. Before building the model, several steps were undertaken, including data labeling, data preprocessing, splitting the dataset into training and testing data, and performing transformations using Count Vectorizer. Evaluation of the SVM model results shows quite good performance with an accuracy of 81%. For the negative class, the precision and recall values are 87% and 85%, respectively, while for the positive class, the precision and recall values only reach 66% and 70%, indicating a need for improvement in the model's identification of the positive class. Five-fold cross-validation was performed with an average cross-validation score of 79.6% and a standard deviation of 2.14%, indicating the model's consistency across various training data subsets. These findings suggest that the SVM model can effectively perform text classification tasks. Based on the negative word cloud, it can be concluded that the Sirekap application still has many shortcomings affecting the democratic process in February 2024.


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How to Cite

J. Setyanto and T. B. Sasongko, “Sentiment Analysis of Sirekap Application Users Using the Support Vector Machine Algorithm”, JAIC, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 71–76, Jul. 2024.




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