Predictive Analytics for IMDb Top TV Ratings: A Linear Regression Approach to the Data of Top 250 IMDb TV Shows


  • Meryatul Husna Politeknik Negeri Medan
  • Lampson Pindahaman Purba Politeknik Negeri Medan
  • Muhammad Eri Rinaldy Politeknik Negeri Medan
  • Arif Ridho Lubis Politeknik Negeri Medan



Linear Regression, IMDb Ratings, TV Show Performance, Entertainment Industry, Ratings Prediction


In the era of a growing entertainment industry, understanding audience preferences and predicting the financial performance of entertainment products such as films and television shows has become increasingly important. Previous research has demonstrated various approaches in understanding the factors that influence the financial performance of entertainment products. However, there is still a need for research to investigate other aspects of film and television show evaluation. This study aims to explore the contribution of linear regression in analysing the ratings and financial performance of IMDb's top TV shows. Through the incorporation of various data-informed and interpretative approaches, it is expected to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that influence the success of a television show. Using data from the Top 250 IMDb TV Shows, a predictive analysis was conducted to understand the relationship between the number of episodes and IMDb ratings. The results of the information showed a negative relationship between the number of episodes and IMDb rating, with the linear regression model predicting a decrease in IMDb rating as the number of episodes increases. Implications of this research include recommendations for content creators to consider both quality and quantity of content in the development of TV shows.


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How to Cite

M. Husna, L. P. Purba, M. E. Rinaldy, and A. R. Lubis, “Predictive Analytics for IMDb Top TV Ratings: A Linear Regression Approach to the Data of Top 250 IMDb TV Shows”, JAIC, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 115–118, Jul. 2024.




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