Predicting Missing Value Data on IEC TC10 Datasets for Dissolved Gas Analysis using Tertius Algorithm


  • Noper Ardi Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Supardianto S Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Ahmadi Irmansyah Lubis Politeknik Negeri Batam



Tertius Algorithm, Prediction, J48, Random Forest, IEC TC10


IEC TC10 is the most widely used Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) measurement dataset nowadays. Many DGA-based studies have been carried out using conventional methods and methods based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques (AITs). DGA is a diagnostic test performed on power transformers to detect and diagnose potential faults. The test involves analyzing the gases that are dissolved in the transformer oil, which can provide important information about the condition of the transformer. DGA is a widely used technique for transformer monitoring and maintenance in the power industry. However, this dataset is not perfect. There are still many problems in this dataset, one of which is the problem of missing value data. This problem will be significant if not appropriately handled. More reliable data from DGA measurement results is an in-dispensable reference in diagnosing faults in power transformers. This study focuses on dealing with the problem of missing value data using the Tertius algorithm, then testing the results using the J48 and Random Forest algorithms. The results obtained are pretty significant. Of the total 56 missing data, 36 could be predicted perfectly. And received the results of measuring accuracy using the J48 method of 62.73% and the Random Forest method of 70.71%. This result shows that the approach we applied is relatively good for handling missing values in IEC TC10 datasets.


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How to Cite

N. Ardi, S. S, and A. Irmansyah Lubis, “Predicting Missing Value Data on IEC TC10 Datasets for Dissolved Gas Analysis using Tertius Algorithm”, JAIC, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 50–56, Jul. 2023.




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