Implementation of K-Means, Hierarchical, and BIRCH Clustering Algorithms to Determine Marketing Targets for Vape Sales in Indonesia

  • Justin Laurenso Universitas Pradita
  • Danny Jiustian Universitas Pradita
  • Felix Fernando Universitas Pradita
  • Vartin Suhandi Universitas Pradita
  • Theresia Herlina Rochadiani Universitas Pradita
Keywords: Algoritma K-Means, BIRCH, Clustering, Elbow Method, Silhouette Score


In today's era, smoking is a common thing in everyday life. Along with the development of the times, an innovation emerged, namely the electric cigarette or vape. Electric cigarettes or vapes use electricity to produce vapor. The e-cigarette business is very promising in today's business world due to the consistent increase in market demand. However, determining the target buyer is one of the things that is quite important in determining the success of a business. In this analysis, the background of each region in Indonesia has different diversity; therefore, observation of data is needed to find out which regions in Indonesia have the potential to increase marketing based on profits (margins) to support the target market analysis process so that companies do not suffer losses and increase business success. In this study, the analysis will be carried out using vape quantity, margin, and purchasing power data in each region, which is processed using 3 algorithms: K-Means, Hierarchical, and BIRCH. The results of the clustering of the three algorithms produce two clusters. The K-means, Hierarchical, and BIRCH algorithms produce the same clusters: a potential cluster consisting of 18 cities and a non-potential cluster consisting of 45 cities. To see the performance of the model results, an evaluation was carried out using the Silhouette score, Davies Bouldin, Calinski Harabasz, and Dunn index, which obtained results of 0.765201, 0.376322, 315.949434, and 0.013554. From these results, it can be concluded that the clustering results are not too good and not too bad because the greater the Silhouette Score, Calinski Harabasz, and Dunn Index value, the better the clustering results while for Davies Bouldin the smaller the value means the better the clustering results.


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How to Cite
J. Laurenso, D. Jiustian, F. Fernando, V. Suhandi, and T. H. Rochadiani, “Implementation of K-Means, Hierarchical, and BIRCH Clustering Algorithms to Determine Marketing Targets for Vape Sales in Indonesia”, JAIC, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 62-70, Jul. 2024.