Prototype of Green Internet Technology for supporting Smart Village Infrastructure

  • Nurchim Nurchim Univesitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta
  • Afu Ichsan Pradana Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta
Keywords: access point, internet, IoT, renewable energy, smart village


The internet has become one of the supporting infrastructures for the successful implementation of the smart village. In Indonesia, many village governments have provided public internet access points in the village area. However, the implementation of this access point has not been able to reach all rural areas due to geographical constraints and the availability of electricity. This study aims to make a prototype of an internet access point with solar power, also known as Green Internet Technology. This prototype is done by using a Design-Based Research (DBR) approach which consists of six steps including (1) focusing, (2) understanding, (3) defining, (4) understanding, (5) building, (5) building and (6) tests. The prototype Green Internet Technology has 3 main parts including (1) solar power systems, (2) internet access point systems and (3) solar monitoring systems. Test results in the real environment that the solar power system and internet access point can work 24 hours a day. But going forward, solar monitoring systems need to be reviewed, especially in the stability of the performance of current and voltage sensor devices.


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How to Cite
N. Nurchim and A. Pradana, “Prototype of Green Internet Technology for supporting Smart Village Infrastructure”, JAIC, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 102-106, Nov. 2019.