Implementation of Samba Server Using OpenVPN Based on Single Board Computer (SBC) for Private Cloud Storage


  • Dwi Bayu Putra Pamungkas Halu Oleo University
  • Isnawaty Isnawaty Halu Oleo University
  • L.M. Fid Aksara Halu Oleo University



Raspberry Pi, Samba, OpenVPN, Server, Cloud Storage


In the current digital era, people's need for data storage media that is practical and can be accessed at any time is increasing. This research aims to design and implement a practical cloud-based data storage system using a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B device using the Samba and OpenVPN applications.  The system focuses on storing users' data (private cloud), which allows users to directly access files and data via a storage server. The method used in this research includes a literature review to support system development. Testing was carried out to evaluate the security of the system being built by comparing access to private cloud server services before and after using the OpenVPN application. Test results show that using the OpenVPN application increases the security of data exchange, with good encryption in communications between client and server. The resulting system runs according to the initial design and can function as a secure private cloud system. This research can contribute to the development of efficient and secure data storage solutions, as well as show the potential for using the Raspberry Pi as an energy and cost-saving personal cloud server device.


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How to Cite

D. B. P. Pamungkas, I. Isnawaty, and L. F. Aksara, “Implementation of Samba Server Using OpenVPN Based on Single Board Computer (SBC) for Private Cloud Storage”, JAIC, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 316–325, Nov. 2024.

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