Comparative Study: Flower Classification using Deep Learning, SMOTE and Fine-Tuning


  • Vincentius Praskatama Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Guruh Fajar Shidik Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Amanda Prawita Ningrum Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



Flower, CNN, Transfer Learning, SMOTE, Fine-Tuning


Deep learning is a technology that can be used to classify flowers. In this research, flower type classification using the CNN method with several existing CNN architectures will be discussed. The data consists of 4317 images in .jpg format, covering 5 classes that is sunflower, dandelion, daisy, tulip and rose. The distribution of data for each class is daisy with 764 pictures, dandelion with 1052 pictures, rose with 784 pictures, sunflower with 733 pictures, and tulip with 984 pictures. With total dataset of 4317 pictures is further split to training data with ratio of 60%,  validation with ratio of 10%, and testing with ratio of 30% to process with the CNN method and CNN framework. Due to the imbalance data distribution, the SMOTE method is applied to balancing number of samples in each class. This research compares CNN architectures, including CNN, GoogleNet, DenseNet, and MobileNet, where each transfer learning model undergoes fine-tuning to improve performance. At the classification stage, performance will be measured based on model testing accuracy. The accuracy obtained using CNN is 74.61%, using GoogleNet is 87.45%, DenseNet is 93.92%, and MobileNet is 88.34%.


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How to Cite

V. Praskatama, G. F. Shidik, and A. P. Ningrum, “Comparative Study: Flower Classification using Deep Learning, SMOTE and Fine-Tuning”, JAIC, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 557–568, Nov. 2024.

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