Bagging Nearest Neighbor and its Enhancement for Machinery Predictive Maintenance

  • Muhammad Irfan Arisani Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Muljono Muljono Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
Keywords: Bagging Method, Binary Classification, Machine Learning, Nearest Neighbor


K-nearest Neighbor is a simple algorithm in Machine learning for such a prediction classification task which plays in valuable aspects of understanding big data. However, this algorithm sometimes does a lacking job of classification tasks for many different dataset characteristics. Therefore, this study will adopt enhancement methods to create a better performance of the nearest-neighbor model. Thus, this study focused on nearest neighbor enhancement to do a binary classification task from the extremely unbalanced dataset of a machine failure problem. Firstly, this study will create new features from the machinery dataset through the feature engineering processes and transform the chosen numerical features with standardization steps as the proper scaling. Then, the modified under-sampling method will be given which will reduce the amount of the majority class to 4.75 times that of the minority class. Next is the applied grid-search tuning which will find the right parameter combinations for the nearest-neighbor model being applied. Furthermore, the previous pre-processing steps will be combined with an additional bagging method. Finally, the resulting bagged KNN will present a 0.971 rate of accuracy, 0.555 rate of precision, 0.781 rate of recall, 0.649 rate of f1-score, 0.95 auc of ROC curve, and 0.702 auc of precision-recall curve.


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How to Cite
M. Arisani and M. Muljono, “Bagging Nearest Neighbor and its Enhancement for Machinery Predictive Maintenance”, JAIC, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 248-256, Aug. 2024.