Performance Analysis of Family Welfare Empowerment Application: A Kanban Method Approach

  • Zaidir Zaidir Universitas Respati Yogyakarta
  • Veronika Wiratna Sujarweni Universitas Respati Indonesia
  • Indra Listiawan Universitas Respati Indonesia
Keywords: Kanban Method, Software Testing, Family Welfare Empowerment, Application Development, Test Efficiency


This research examines the application of the Kanban method in testing a family welfare empowerment application. The Kanban method, initially developed by Toyota in manufacturing, has been effectively applied in software development. This study involves a series of tests involving various features within the application, such as user registration, village data collection, processing of the family welfare empowerment data at the Village/District level, and more. The test results show that most tests were successful, highlighting the application's success in executing essential functions such as user registration and event scheduling. However, some tests failed, primarily in inputting village, hamlet, and community unit data.  These results indicate that using the Kanban method in testing a family welfare empowerment application can potentially enhance development and testing efficiency. Metrics such as testing time, test success, and time efficiency have provided valuable insights into the application's performance. In conclusion, this testing provides a foundation for further application development, focusing on improving the areas that experienced testing failures. This research also opens up opportunities for further studies on using the Kanban method in software testing in various other application development contexts.


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How to Cite
Z. Zaidir, V. Sujarweni, and I. Listiawan, “Performance Analysis of Family Welfare Empowerment Application: A Kanban Method Approach”, JAIC, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 177-185, Nov. 2023.