Balancing Robot Berbasis Fuzzy Logic


  • Sumantri K. Risandriya Mechatronics Engineering study Program, Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Rifqi Amalya Fatekha Mechatronics Engineering study Program, Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Irda Zusmaniar Mechatronics Engineering study Program, Politeknik Negeri Batam


Fuzzy logic, Kalman Filter, Balancing robot and Accelerometer


Balancing robot is in the form of a wheeled robot that has two wheels on the right and left, the robot must be able to maintain a balance. In order to maintain the maximum balance there are many methods that will be used to determine good control optimization to obtain the value of a good response sensor with the motor reactions . At this balancing robot using the method Fuzzylogic with input accellerometer and gyroscope. To get a good response without noise accellerometer use
KalmanFilter. The results obtained robot can balance itself with a success rate of 90% and a robot can balance itself despite being disturbed by even encouraged.


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