JURNAL INTEGRASI https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI <p>Jurnal Integrasi (JI) menerima publikasi hasil dari penelitian,terbit satu tahun dua kali berfokus pada topik yang berkaitan dengan hasil penelitian di bidang teknik dan rekayasa. Pada saat ini JI sudah indeks&nbsp;<a href="http://sinta2.ristekdikti.go.id/journals/detail?id=2147" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SINTA</a>, dengan SINTA score S4. e-ISSN:<strong>&nbsp;</strong><a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1484036032&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2548-9828</a></p> Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam en-US JURNAL INTEGRASI 2085-3858 Studi Pengaruh Nilai Availability Mesin Stamping Terhadap Jumlah Hasil Produksi https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8536 <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of machine availability on production output at PT XYZ. Data collection was conducted from January to March 2024, focusing on machine downtime, total operational hours, and weekly production output. The method used involves the calculation of Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), and availability, followed by a correlation analysis between availability and production output. The results show a strong correlation between availability and output, with a correlation value of 0.852. In Week 6 and Week 11, machine downtime caused availability to drop to 98.41% and 97.96%, respectively, which directly impacted production output. Based on these findings, it is recommended that PT XYZ improve preventive maintenance and minimize downtime to maintain optimal machine availability and maximize production output</p> Adi Syahputra Purba Nur Fitria Pujo Leksonowati Nurman Pamungkas Nidia Yuniarsih Ninda Hardina Batubara Dimas Prasetyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 98 103 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8536 Comparative Analysis between SA-516 Gr 70 Material with SA-537 Class 2 Material in Shell Pressure Vessel Fabrication Process https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8563 <p><em>A pressure vessel is a container designed to hold fluids under pressure, including liquids and gases with varying pressures and temperatures. The pressure exerted on the vessel's walls and body is a critical factor that must be carefully considered to ensure compliance with applicable international design standards and prioritize worker safety and security. This research focused on a pressure vessel to investigate the impact of temperature on shell thickness to meet ASME standards. The study utilized shell components made from SA-516 Gr 70 and SA-537 materials. Experiments were conducted with each material at temperatures of 250°C, 235°C, and 343°C, revealing that thickness varies based on material and temperature. The research findings demonstrate compliance with ASME standards, as the shell thickness in all trials exceeded the minimum specified in the drawings.</em></p> Widya Rika Puspita Sarah Athaullah Wenna Putri Adlian Jefiza Muhammad Arifin Hana Mutialif Maulidah Fitriyanti Nakul Ika Karlina Laila Nur Suciningtyas Irwanto Zarma Putra Budiana Budiana Asrizal Deri Futra Nadhrah Wivanius ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 104 110 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8563 Studi Pembuatan Procedure Qualification Record untuk Repair through Thickness pada S355 KT0 https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8530 <p>This research aims to develop a Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) for Repair Through Thickness on S355 KT0 material using the GTAW method for the root, SAW for filler and capping. The welds were repaired using gouging and grinding before undergoing repair welding with the SMAW method. The study employed experimental methods with Non-Destructive and Destructive tests following AWS D1.1 and Client Specification MHK-COMP-SPE standards. The test results indicate defect-free welds that meet AWS D1.1 standards in terms of mechanical properties such as tensile strength, bending, impact, and hardness. The tensile strength values reached 609 MPa (longitudinal specimen) and 539 MPa and 540 MPa for transverse specimens. The lowest impact test value was 139J in the fusion line +2 mm repair to original welds area. The peak hardness test value was 240 VHN in the HAZ (repair to original weld) region. The test results were also used to formulate a PQR that aligns with specific requirements. This research is expected to provide guidance for performing repair welding on S355 KT0 material.</p> Windy Stefani Nur Fitria Pujo Leksonowati Nurman Pamungkas Cahyo Budi Nugroho ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 111 118 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8530 Otomatisasi Penyemprotan Polyester Menggunakan Kawasaki Cobot dengan Human Machine Interface (HMI) Berbasis Web https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8523 <p>Brago Luchttechniek BV is a company specializing in the production of PIR (Polyisocyanurate) air ducts, facing challenges in maintaining accuracy and consistency in the polyester insulation spraying process on its products using Kawasaki collaborative robots (cobot) for automation. To address these challenges, this study designed a web-based Human Machine Interface (HMI) to automate the polyester insulation spraying process on PIR air ducts using the Kawasaki Cobot. A web-based HMI was chosen for its ease of development, flexibility, and integration capabilities with modern technology. This HMI uses the TCP/IP protocol to send real-time command signals to automation devices such as the Kawasaki Cobot and devices connected to the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Testing results demonstrated an improvement in the spraying process efficiency, reducing the time from 15–18 minutes conventionally to 5–7 minutes with the web-based HMI automation. Additionally, the web-based HMI successfully communicated with other devices connected to the robot, such as the conveyor belt and rotating table, via TCP/IP protocols, with each device having its own ID and IP address to facilitate linear message delivery, prevent collisions, and minimize errors. After eight successful automation tests on four different products, the system operated smoothly and systematically through the available HMI controls. The system was also evaluated by four respondents, with an overall score of 4.33 out of 5, indicating a high level of satisfaction.</p> Syah Sury Alam Rahmad Hidayat Musta’inul Abdi ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 119 129 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8523 Kalibrasi Wire Feeder Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) Mengacu Pada Standar British Standard (BS) 7570:2000 Dan British Standard (BS) European Standard (EN) 50504:2008 https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8515 <p>In the fabrication industry, the welding process plays a crucial role in both engineering and repair production processes. Continuous use of welding machines can lead to a decline in their effectiveness. Suboptimal machines may produce low-quality products. A common issue encountered is the poor quality of welds, even when each step has been aligned with the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). One source of this problem is the welding equipment itself. The objective of this study is to calibrate arc welding equipment to ensure it remains within machine standards. Calibration is performed in accordance with BS EN 50504:2008 and BS 7570:2000. The calibration focuses on measuring constant voltage and wire feed speed (WFS). The measurement results for WFS variation indicate that it does not exceed a 10% error margin. This suggests that the WFS complies with the established standards. Consequently, the Lincoln LN-25X wire feeder speed is ready for use in fabrication and production processes.</p> Hendra Butar Butar Ita Wijayanti Andrew Mantik Rahmat Syukri ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 130 134 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8515 The Impact of Plasticizer Levels in Hardening PVC Plastic https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8495 <p>This paper provides a detailed investigation into the effects of Trioctyl Trimellitate (TOTM) plasticizer levels on the hardness of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) materials. The study reveals an inverse correlation between the level of TOTM plasticizer and the hardness of PVC, with an increase in TOTM levels leading to a decrease in hardness. This trend is consistent across various PVC samples, despite minor variations. The role of plasticizers in determining the physical and mechanical properties of PVC is further explored, emphasizing their function in reducing PVC’s crystallinity, thereby producing a clearer and more flexible material. This research contributes to the understanding of how plasticizers can be used to tailor the properties of PVC, leading to the development of two distinct types of PVC: Flexible PVC, which contains a plasticizer, and Rigid PVC, which does not. The findings underscore the importance of plasticizers in material design and engineering, offering valuable insights for future applications.</p> Meilani Mandhalena Manurung Nur Fitria Pujo Leksonowati Nurman Pamungkas Windy Stefani Ninda Hardina Batubara Adi Syahputra Purba ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 135 140 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8495 Smart home: Monitoring Kondisi Cuaca Menggunakan Sensor Kelembapan dan Kecepatan Angin Berbasis Metode Fuzzy https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8483 <p><em>Global warming has changed weather patterns in Indonesia, making it difficult to predict, and often the weather changes rapidly, such as sudden rain when the weather is hot. This study aims to overcome the problem of sudden weather changes by using a set of tools that can monitor humidity and wind speed based on the Internet of Things (IoT). This system uses an ESP32 microcontroller combined with a DHT22 sensor to measure humidity and an anemometer to measure wind speed. The collected data will be processed to produce an analysis of weather conditions using the fuzzy logic method and stored in Firebase for efficient data management. In addition, the user interface is designed based on Android Studio to facilitate real-time monitoring. The results of the study show that the developed system is able to provide accurate and reliable weather information, thus helping people plan their activities better.</em></p> Adlian Jefiza Heri Fernanda Fadli Firdaus ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 141 148 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8483 Rancang Bangun Mesin Pencampur Bijih Plastik Berkapasitas 20 Gram https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8476 <p><em>In the process of creating various types of plastic, several tools are required to support the development process. In this regard, Politeknik Industri ATMI has attempted to develop a supporting tool for mixing plastic ore. The objective of this research is to design, build, and test an efficient and economical mixing machine for processing plastic ore on a small scale. To create this tool, the author used observation and design realization methods. After a lengthy process, a plastic ore mixing machine with a capacity of 20 grams was produced. This paper discusses the plastic ore mixing machine designed for use in testing laboratories. This mixing machine is a device used to process plastic ore into new types. In this study, the author developed a plastic ore mixing machine with a volume capacity of 20 grams. This machine is used to combine two or more types of plastic ore, aiming to produce high-quality plastic. To achieve this, the machine was developed using two mixing shafts and a melting system with heating elements. Additionally, the mixing process chamber was designed with two compartments, corresponding to the positions of the mixing shafts. This design is expected to maximize the mixing process of each type of plastic, resulting in a homogeneous plastic product.</em></p> Bambang Setiyawan Eduardo Ardita ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 149 155 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8476 Analisis Reschedule Keterlambatan Proyek Reparasi Dua Kapal dengan Metode Critical Path Method (CPM) dan Time Cost Trade Off (TCTO) pada KM. Kendhaga Nusantara 4 dan TB. Sorowako Star https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8451 <p><em>The rescheduling due to delays in the repair project of two ships being worked on simultaneously was carried out using the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Time Cost Trade Off (TCTO). The data obtained came from the repair lists of each ship. The aim was to expedite project completion and achieve the most optimal time and cost efficiency. Acceleration alternatives were calculated, such as adding labor and extending work hours on the critical path. The acceleration steps included adding 2 and 4 extra working hours and increasing the number of workers. The analysis results showed that the most optimal time reduction was achieved by adding 4 hours of overtime and 21 additional workers, successfully reducing the project duration from 55 days to 20 days, with a time efficiency of 64% and a cost savings from Rp 393,300,000 to Rp 390,330,000, a savings of Rp 2,970,000 or around 0.7%. The daily productivity for scrapping work reached a maximum of 650 m²/day, while the increase in labor and 2 extra working hours resulted in 780 m²/day, and 4 extra working hours resulted in 845 m²/day.</em></p> Keisha Nandhini Syahada Good Rindo Ari Wibawa Budi Santosa Naufal Abdurahman Prasetyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 156 164 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8451 Perencanaan Floating Club House Sebagai Inovasi Bisnis Pariwisata di Kawasan Pantai Amed, Pulau Bali https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8442 <p><em>Amed</em><em> Beach located in East Bali is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches and attractive beach clubs. As an innovative effort to support the local economy, a floating club with a futuristic club concept was constructed in this area. The floating club is designed to attract more tourists and aligns with the regional regulations of Karangasem Regency in infrastructure development. Its design takes into account operational capacity on land by calculating displacement, deadweight, and lightweight. The main dimensions of the floating club are LoA = 40 m, B = 40 m, H = 2.25 m, and T = 1.5 m, with a capacity of 200 visitors and 50 crew members per day. Additionally, layout design, general arrangement, and 3D modeling were planned, with a total construction cost of Rp. 23,012,974,239. The floating club is moored using a spread mooring system for stability.</em></p> Roid Hatta Zaidan Good Rindo Wilma Amiruddin Naufal Abdurrahman Prasetyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 165 176 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8442 Perancangan E-commerce Website Berbasis Search Engine Optimization (SEO) untuk Optimalisasi Manajemen Pemasaran Pusat Penjualan Kapal Perikanan di Daerah Jawa Tengah https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8427 <p><em>The advancement of technology in the modern era greatly supports the business world in improving quality and customer service. Websites, as a form of technological development, serve as significant tools for information and promotion, directly influencing a company's success. The capture fisheries sector, particularly the wooden shipbuilding industry, also needs to adopt such technological advancements due to the crucial role of digital transformation in today’s buying and selling processes. This research focuses on developing an e-commerce website utilizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to optimize marketing management for fishing boat sales in Central Java. The goal is to establish the website as an alternative platform for marketing fishing boats, providing benefits as a promotional medium and simplifying the buying and selling process. The Hub marketing method is used in designing the website with an e-marketplace interface. The study concludes that this website can serve as an effective and efficient alternative in the fishing boat trading business, with successful SEO implementation.</em></p> Fahlan Parezki Caniago Good Rindo Parlindungan Manik Sapto Wiratno Satoto ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 177 185 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8427 Design and Implementation a Raw Material Shredder Machine for Rattan Weaving with Double Rolls https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8224 <p>Rattan Is one of the plants that grow in Indonesia, One of the areas that includes many rattan producers is Riau. Rattan is a plant that is one of the raw materials in the handicraft and furniture industry, therefore, to take advantage of the many rattan plants can be used as a furniture product such as tables, chairs and other handicrafts. The machine is designed using a driving force using a 1 phase electric motor using a double roll pulling system made of rubber and using a blade with a diameter of 5 mm, and this machine also has a safety on the control system so that the AC motor is not easily burned when the current is excessive. This machine can produce 76 rattan sticks per hour with a size 5 mm diameter and 300 cm lenght so that it can increase rattan production more effectively and efficiently. This rattan shaving machine is capable of shaving 300 cm of raw rattan with a diameter of 10-13 mm and the consistency of the thickness produced is 5 mm in diameter with an error rate of 0.22%.</p> Edilla Edilla Muhammad Farhan Made Rahmawaty Jajang Jaenudin Mustaza Ma’a ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 186 190 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8224 Project Based Learning: Sistem Otentifikasi melalui Deteksi Wajah untuk Akses Pintu Otomatis Berbasis Raspberry Pi https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/7646 <p>Security concerns are of utmost importance in our daily lives. Conventional door locking systems that rely on physical keys possess vulnerabilities in terms of security. Physical keys are susceptible to tampering, theft, and effortless replication. Hence, it is imperative to devise a novel approach that may effectively mitigate this issue. An example of technological use for alternative locks involves utilizing face recognition techniques to grant or deny access to doors depending on the data associated with the individual seeking entry. The primary objective of this study is to create a facial identification approach by employing machine learning techniques, namely the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) method in conjunction with a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM). This technique is designed to be easily implemented on a Raspberry Pi 4-based Single Board Computer (SBC) that features a video sensor for machine learning input and a doorlock solenoid output. Initially, it is important to train the machine learning algorithm to accurately identify and distinguish the individual who is granted access to the door. The facial data is obtained through the capture of photographs that encompass variations in facial expression, positioning, and lighting conditions. The facial data photos are further analyzed using machine learning techniques to generate a dataset algorithm model capable of accurately identifying faces. When the system is operational and identifies a face that closely matches the trained model, the Raspberry Pi will activate the doorlock solenoid to unlock the door, and conversely, to lock the door. This approach offers security benefits as it restricts access to only those individuals whose facial features are registered in the dataset, hence allowing them to unlock the door. The developed face detection system has an accuracy rate of 83% and is compatible with computing devices possessing constrained computational capabilities, such as the SBC Raspberry Pi 4.</p> Irfan Alifiansyah Muhamad Raihan Akmal Wahyu Febrianto Abdurahman Dwijotomo Iman Fahruzi ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 16 2 191 197 10.30871/ji.v16i2.7646 Analisis Nilai Tahanan Isolasi dan Tegangan Tembus pada Minyak Transformator 150 kV Sebelum dan Sesudah Purifikasi di PT Energi Listrik Batam https://jurnal.polibatam.ac.id/index.php/JI/article/view/8233 <p><em>Transformers</em> <em>are</em> <em>critical</em> <em>components</em> <em>in</em> <em>electricity</em> <em>transmission,</em> <em>and</em> <em>system</em> <em>failures can be catastrophic. PT Energi Listrik Batam has a 150 kV power transformer that experienced an oil leak in the Low Voltage section in September 2023. Transformer oil serves as an insulating material. Insulation Resistance and Breakdown Voltage tests showed a decline in oil quality, with an insulator value of 50 kV. PT Energi Listrik Batam conducted oil purification to restore its quality. Purification removes gases and particles that degrade oil quality. As a result, after purification, the insulation resistance and breakdown voltage of the transformer oil increased to 80 kV.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Jhon Hericson Purba Muhammad Suharian Safriandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 16 2 198 202 10.30871/ji.v16i2.8233