Forthcoming Issue

This page presents the titles of articles that have undergone the review process in accordance with the guidelines of JAIC Journal and are ready to be included in Volume 8, Number 1. Although these articles have not been assigned page numbers and publication dates yet, both will be determined as soon as these articles are published in their complete and integral form.

1. Taxpayer Awareness Classification Using Decision Tee and Naïve Bayes Methods
Moch Riyadi Maskur A, Arief Wibowo

2. Analysis of the Let's Build a PC Virtual Reality Game Based on the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)

3. The Unveiling Nuanced Sentiments in Product Reviews
Johnwendy Chinedu Nwaukwa

4. Tourist Perceptions Through Sentiment Analysis to Support Tourism Development in Maluku Province
Hennie Tuhuteru