Optimization of Urban Waste Collection Routes Using the Held-Karp Algorithm in a Web and Mobile-Based System


  • Tiara Juli Arsita Universitas Tadulako
  • Nouval Trezandy Lapatta Universitas Tadulako
  • Yuri Yudhaswana Joefri Universitas Tadulako
  • Dwi Shinta Angreni Universitas Tadulako
  • Septiano Anggun Pratama Universitas Tadulako




Held-Karp Algorithm, Shortest Route, Travelling Salesman Problem, Waste Management


In 2023, the Environmental Agency of Palu City recorded a total waste production of 97,492 tons, of which 10.4% was plastic waste. The Palu City Government operates a fleet of garbage trucks on a predetermined collection schedule. However, garbage bins frequently overflow before their scheduled pickup, resulting in extended waste accumulation and inefficiency. This study proposes a web and mobile-based system to enhance waste management by integrating bin condition reporting and shortest route calculation for collecting full bins. The Held-Karp algorithm is utilized to address the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) for determining optimal collection routes. The system was developed using Golang, Flutter, ReactJS, and a MySQL database. API functionality was validated using Postman, and overall system functionality was tested using the black-box method. A case study involving 8 test points (1 starting point, 10 waste collection points, and 1 endpoint) demonstrated that the proposed system reduces travel time by up to 21.74%, costs by 22.29%, fuel consumption by 21.16%, and distance traveled by 21.16% compared to conventional methods. These results highlight the potential of the system to significantly optimize waste collection operations and support sustainable urban waste management practices.



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How to Cite

T. J. Arsita, N. T. Lapatta, Y. Y. Joefri, D. S. Angreni, and S. A. Pratama, “Optimization of Urban Waste Collection Routes Using the Held-Karp Algorithm in a Web and Mobile-Based System”, JAIC, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 202–210, Jan. 2025.

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