Text Insertion and Encryption Using The Bit-Swapping Method in Digital Images


  • Kiswara Agung Santoso Universitas Jember
  • Muhammad Fahmil Fakih Universitas Jember
  • Ahmad Kamsyakawuni Universitas Jember




Communication, Security, Cryptography, Steganography, Bit swapping


Communication is an essential aspect of everyday life, involving the transmission of information through various media. Technological advances have made communication easier but have also increased privacy and data security risks. Several efforts are made to maintain the security of digital information, including coding information (cryptography) and hiding information (steganography). In this article, the author secures information through a combination of cryptography and steganography. To secure text data, we encrypt by exchanging bits between adjacent characters. Subsequently, the encrypted text is hidden within an image. The security analysis results show the successful reconstruction of the message from the stego image and the successful restoration of the message to its original form. The use of the bit swapping method in the text message encryption process has been proven to enhance the security level of the ciphertext, as indicated by the lower TPK calculation value of 0.33 compared to the TPK value in previous studies. Additionally, embedding the ciphertext into digital images has been demonstrated to further increase the security level of the message, evidenced by the NPCR calculation value of 0.0000109% and the UACI calculation value of 0.000000555%. These very small values indicate no significant changes.


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How to Cite

K. A. Santoso, M. F. Fakih, and A. Kamsyakawuni, “Text Insertion and Encryption Using The Bit-Swapping Method in Digital Images”, JAIC, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 86–90, Jul. 2024.


