Simulation of Mobile Robot Navigation System using Hector SLAM on ROS
Autonomous, AMR Robots, Gazebo, Hector SLAM, LIDAR Sensor, Rviz, Turtlebot3Abstract
The ability to move from one point to the destination point autonomously is very necessary in AMR robots, to be able to meet this, the robot must be able to detect the surrounding environment and know its location to the environment, the Hector SLAM algorithm is added using the LIDAR sensor, and to find out the ability of the LIDAR sensor with the Hector SLAM and computer specifications in order to process properly, a simulation of the HECTOR SLAM with the LIDAR sensor was made. Simulation is carried out by creating an environment map on the Gazebo. Then explore environmental mapping using Hokuyo LIDAR which has been added to the turtlebot3 model waffle_pi to the simulated environment map. In this study, a model of the second floor lobby environment and Brail of the Batam State Polytechnic was used which was made in the form of a simulation on the Gazebo, where robots that have used LIDAR will be controlled with a keyboard around the simulation environment, where simultaneously the mapping and localization process runs and the process can be seen on the Rviz in real-time, where LIDAR will send data in the form of distance readings that will be received by Hector SLAM. The results of this study are expected that Hector SLAM using LIDAR sensor simulation can produce environmental mapping and localization in the simulation environment and obtain a minimum computer specification to process data from the SLAM Hector process using LIDAR sensors.
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