Interactive Multimedia Interactive Multimedia“Learn Arabic Vocabulary” As An Arabic Learning Media For Elementary School Students Grade IV

  • Kadariah Kadariah -
  • Ahmad Hamim Thohari
  • Riwinoto Riwinoto
Keywords: Learning Media, unity, Arabic, interactive multimedia


Appropriate and appropriate learning methods in educating children are very
important things. With interactive multimedia technology that is widespread,
we can use it as a learning media. Interactive multimedia development makes
it possible to create an interactive educational media called "Learning Arabic
Vocabulary". The making of interactive multimedia "Learning Arabic Kosa-
Kata" is designed based on a case study from the Elementary School (Al-
Azhar Elementary School) that applies Arabic language learning. Using the
right and varied media in the learning process can increase learning
motivation and can reduce student passivity (Hardianto,2005). Vocabulary
learning is a very important material in language learning. A person will not
be able to speak a language before he enriches himself with vocabulary from
that language. Likewise with children in this case. After the survey and
interview conducted at Al Azhar Elementary School located at Tiban 1,
Patam Lestari, Kec. Sekupang, Batam City Prov. Riau Islands, on October
31, 2018, the parties from the school in question were very hopeful that this
interactive multimedia "Learning Arabic Kosa-Kata" could immediately be
ready for distribution.


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