Designing The Appearance Of The MSME- Friendly Tax Clinic Website With An Evaluating Tax Sites Approach: An Evaluation Framework (TSEF)




Tax Website, Tax Clinic, TSEF Framawork, MSME, User Friendly


The development of technology and information in the globalization era caused significant changes in various fields. This research aims to analyze and design a tax information system for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Data was collected through interviews and group discussions with several MSMEs using the TSEF Framework (TSEF), which focuses on discussions related to Display, Multimedia and Format to create a user-friendly website. The aspects examined are colour display, fonts, multimedia and formatting. The research results showed that the colour chosen by respondents was green, the font used was sans-serif, and the multimedia used was an explanatory video related to tax information.


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How to Cite

Prayuda, M. B., & Arniati, A. (2023). Designing The Appearance Of The MSME- Friendly Tax Clinic Website With An Evaluating Tax Sites Approach: An Evaluation Framework (TSEF). Journal of Applied Business Administration, 7(2), 267–273.