Motion Graphic Public Service Advertisement Education of Traffic Signs


  • Muhammad Ilham Multimedia & Jaringan
  • Muchamad Fajri Amirul Nasrullah



Motion Graphic, Video, Kinetic Typography


Public service advertisements are advertisements that present social messages that aim to raise public awareness of a number of problems they must face, namely conditions that can threaten harmony and public life. Lack of awareness by motorcyclists often has fatal consequences for themselves and even others. In fact, many of the motorcyclists violate established regulations which aim to control traffic on the highway. So a research was made to produce motion graphic video public service advertisements regarding traffic signs education using the quantitative research method with the Vaughan settlement method. And on the results of the analysis carried out, it can be seen that the results are at the level of effectiveness based on the Likert scale interval for the expert, the predicate is "Strongly Agree" with an average value of 96.25% (based on detailed aspects: 90% graphic, 95% typography, 100 animation % and audio 100%). And the EPIC Rate calculation is found to be 4,145 (based on detailed aspects: Empathy 4.19, Persuation 4.16, Impact 4.17, and Communication 4.06 and based on questions about kinetic typography that has been entered in the questionnaire proves that the use of kinetic typography is effective.


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