The Two-Dimensional Wavelet Transform De-noising and Combining with Side Scan Sonar Image

Two-Dimensional Wavelet Transform De-noising


  • Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Rasyid Alkhoir Lubis Universitas Syiah Kuala
  • Ramadhan Ulil Albab Lubis Universitas Negeri Medan



This paper puts forward an image de-noising method based on 2D wavelet transform with the application of the method in seabed identification data collection system. Two-dimensional haar wavelets in image processing presents a unified framework for wavelet image compression and combining with side scan sonar image. Seabed identification target have 7 target detection in side scan sonar imagery result.  The vibration signals were analyzed to perform fault diagnosis. The obtained signal was time-domain signal. The experiment result shows that the application of 2D wavelet transform image de-noising algorithm can achieve good subjective and objective image quality and help to collect high quality data and analyze the images for the data center with optimum effects, the features from time-domain signal were extracted. 3 vectors were formed which are v1, v2, v3. In Haar wavelet retained energy is 93.8 %, so from the results, it has been concluded that Haar wavelet transform shows the best results in terms of Energy from De-noised Image processing with side scan sonar imagery.


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Author Biography

Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis, Politeknik Negeri Batam

My research interests are related to seabed identification, Physical Oceanography, Bioacoustic Mammals ( Tursiops aduncus ) Indonesia, Marine Acoustical, Signal Processing, Image analysis, Fish Assesment Stock, and Geomatics Engineering.



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