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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Manuscript should be written in 9 point Arial font single space in A4 paper with double-columns and 3 cm left margin and 2 cm for other three margins.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI) is dedicated to publish highest quality research papers and review on all aspects of terrestrial and marine (geomatics, geophysics, geography, geology, geographic information systems, remote sensing, cartography, oceanography, hydrography, marine science and technology).

Manuscripts should be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia and submitted solely to Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI). All figures should be in tiff or jpeg format with high resolution (300 or 600 dpi). References listed in the text should follow the Springer basic (Author-date) style. Submit your paper in Word to JAGI secretariat via email:  and


Manuscript should be presented by original and important findings of research in terrestrial and marine researches.


Manuscript should be written in 9 point Arial font single space in A4 paper with double-columns and 3 cm left margin and 2 cm for other three margins. Page numbers should be located at the bottom right of each page. Figures and Tables are put at the end of the manuscript (after the references). The total pages approximately 20 pages. The submission file can also submit in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

Manuscript should be written in the following order i.e. TITLE, Author(s) full name; Author(s) full address; Correspondence author data: phone, fax, and E-mail; Running title; Abstract; Key words; IntroductionMaterials and MethodsResults and DiscussionConclusionAcknowledgmentReferences; Figures and the Figure Titles; Table and Table Titles. For manuscript written in Bahasa Indonesia should follow similar arrangement.

The paper title should be concies and as informative as possible.
Authors should also give a running title, i.e. short title which will be put in the bottom of each pages of the paper.


The full name, full address, phone number, and E-mail address should be written clearly.


Abstract should be no more than 250 words, to summarize the principal points of the study and therefore must be meaningful without reference to the body of the paper. It contains short sentences of introduction, methods, important findings, conclusion and implications. The abstract does not contain references, figures, tables, abbreviation, or acronym.

Key words: 5-8 words which have to be closely related to the research. Maximum word : 250 

The introduction must be consisted with sufficient background information of the research to evaluate the results of the research. The introduction also gives the rationale for and objectives of the study that is being reported and their relationship to earlier work in the field.


The author(s) has to provide the sufficient information about the material and methodology. It should be stated clearly and completely. If the method is categorized as new procedures or refers to published paper which was not readily available for most readers, details methodology should be provided.


Results and discussion should not be separated. State the obtained results based on the used methods.

Discussion can be done by comparing results/data reported with other research results previously published. Unit of measurements has to write by following the international systems.


Conclusion should be stated clearly. It should be written as paragraph, not as a list based on the discussion.

In this section, author(s) should mention the grant source (Institution as well as year of the contract) and the person to whom the grant was given. Acknowledgement should also be given to those (individual/company/institution) who has contributed to the study especially in  establishing research design, acquisition of data, supplying documents/photographs or analysis and interpretation of data, or who was involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content. If the contribution of an individual quite significant, then he/she should be put as one of the author. Please refer to author(s) contribution form.

The author-year notation system is required and completed. All reference that mentioned should be written down in reference and arranged alphabetically from oldest to newest and from A to Z. Articles must be at least 10 recent references or over and 60% is journal. The most of references are primary ones. Only the first author's name and initials are inverted.  Journal names are italicized. We used APA citation style for reference.

In the text it should be referred by the name(s) of the first author followed by the year of publication in parentheses, using the following format: (Hartati and Widianingsih, 2011) or Suryono and Riniatsih (2011). When there are more than two authors, use the first author's name followed by et al. (written in italics). When several references are put in the same parentheses, it should be typed from the oldest year (Rochaddi and Zainuri, 2005; Pringgenies and Yusuf, 2008; Munasik and Trianto, 2010; Suwartimah et al., 2011). If the references have the same year, they should be listed alphabetically. If the references have the same author(s) and the same year, they should be listed by giving a lowercase a, b, c, etc. after the year of publication.

Example :
Reference to a journal publication :

Lubis, M. Z., & Khoirunnisa, H. 2017. Dinamika Pantai Praikalogu di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Jurnal Integrasi, 8(2), 125-133.

Lubis, M. Z. 2017. Produksi Suara dan Tingkah Laku Lumba-Lumba Jantan Hidung Botol (Tursiops Aduncus) dengan Metode Bioakustik. Jurnal Integrasi, 8(1), 42-49.

Lubis, M. Z., & Anurogo, W. (2016). Fish stock estimation in Sikka Regency Waters, Indonesia using Single Beam Echosounder (CruzPro fish finder PcFF-80) with hydroacoustic survey method. Aceh Journal of Animal Science, 1(2), 70-78.

Lubis, M. Z., Anurogo, W., Khoirunnisa, H., Irawan, S., Gustin, O., & Roziqin, A. (2017). Using Side-Scan Sonar instrument to Characterize and map of seabed identification target in punggur sea of the Riau Islands, Indonesia. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 2(1), 1-8. 

Irawan, S. (2016). Pemetaan Pasang Surut Dan Arus Laut Pulau Batam Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Jalur Transportasi Antarpulau. Jurnal Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 9(1), 32-42.

Lubis, M. Z., & Manik, H. M. (2017). Acoustic systems (split beam echo sounder) to determine abundance of fish in marine fisheries. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 2(1), 76-83. 

Reference to a book :
Jennings, S., Kaiser, M., & Reynolds, J. D. 2009. Marine fisheries ecology. John Wiley & Sons.

Reference in proceeding :

Lubis, M. Z., Wulandari, P. D., & Pujiyati, S. 2015. Pengaruh Penambahan Kadar Garam Terhadap Studi Bioakustik Suara Stridulatory Gerak Ikan Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata). In The 1st International Conference on Maritim e Development Proceeding. Tanjungpinang pp (pp. 1-7).

Liu, G., Strong, A. E., Skirving, W., & Arzayus, L. F. 2006. Overview of NOAA coral reef watch program's near-real time satellite global coral bleaching monitoring activities. In Proceedings of the 10th international coral reef symposium: Okinawa (pp. 1783-1793).


Proofs will be sent by E-mail to the correspondence author and are expected to proofread the article carefully.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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FRONT COVER Volume 1 Issue 1

FRONT MATTER Volume 1 Issue 1

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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI) is dedicated to publish highest quality research papers and review on all aspects of terrestrial and marine (geomatics, geophysics, geography, geology, geographic information systems, remote sensing, cartography, oceanography, hydrography, marine science and technology).

Manuscripts should be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia and submitted solely to Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI). All figures should be in tiff or jpeg format with high resolution (300 or 600 dpi). References listed in the text should follow the Springer basic (Author-date) style. Submit your paper in Word to JAGI secretariat via email:  and


Manuscript should be presented by original and important findings of research in terrestrial and marine researches.


Manuscript should be written in 9 point Arial font single space in A4 paper with double-columns and 3 cm left margin and 2 cm for other three margins. Page numbers should be located at the bottom right of each page. Figures and Tables are put at the end of the manuscript (after the references). The total pages approximately 20 pages. The submission file can also submit in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

Manuscript should be written in the following order i.e. TITLE, Author(s) full name; Author(s) full address; Correspondence author data: phone, fax, and E-mail; Running title; Abstract; Key words; IntroductionMaterials and MethodsResults and DiscussionConclusionAcknowledgmentReferences; Figures and the Figure Titles; Table and Table Titles. For manuscript written in Bahasa Indonesia should follow similar arrangement.

The paper title should be concies and as informative as possible.
Authors should also give a running title, i.e. short title which will be put in the bottom of each pages of the paper.


The full name, full address, phone number, and E-mail address should be written clearly.


Abstract should be no more than 250 words, to summarize the principal points of the study and therefore must be meaningful without reference to the body of the paper. It contains short sentences of introduction, methods, important findings, conclusion and implications. The abstract does not contain references, figures, tables, abbreviation, or acronym.

Key words: 5-8 words which have to be closely related to the research. Maximum word : 250 

The introduction must be consisted with sufficient background information of the research to evaluate the results of the research. The introduction also gives the rationale for and objectives of the study that is being reported and their relationship to earlier work in the field.


The author(s) has to provide the sufficient information about the material and methodology. It should be stated clearly and completely. If the method is categorized as new procedures or refers to published paper which was not readily available for most readers, details methodology should be provided.


Results and discussion should not be separated. State the obtained results based on the used methods.

Discussion can be done by comparing results/data reported with other research results previously published. Unit of measurements has to write by following the international systems.


Conclusion should be stated clearly. It should be written as paragraph, not as a list based on the discussion.

In this section, author(s) should mention the grant source (Institution as well as year of the contract) and the person to whom the grant was given. Acknowledgement should also be given to those (individual/company/institution) who has contributed to the study especially in  establishing research design, acquisition of data, supplying documents/photographs or analysis and interpretation of data, or who was involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content. If the contribution of an individual quite significant, then he/she should be put as one of the author. Please refer to author(s) contribution form.

The author-year notation system is required and completed. All reference that mentioned should be written down in reference and arranged alphabetically from oldest to newest and from A to Z. Articles must be at least 10 recent references or over and 60% is journal. The most of references are primary ones. Only the first author's name and initials are inverted.  Journal names are italicized. We used APA citation style for reference.

In the text it should be referred by the name(s) of the first author followed by the year of publication in parentheses, using the following format: (Hartati and Widianingsih, 2011) or Suryono and Riniatsih (2011). When there are more than two authors, use the first author's name followed by et al. (written in italics). When several references are put in the same parentheses, it should be typed from the oldest year (Rochaddi and Zainuri, 2005; Pringgenies and Yusuf, 2008; Munasik and Trianto, 2010; Suwartimah et al., 2011). If the references have the same year, they should be listed alphabetically. If the references have the same author(s) and the same year, they should be listed by giving a lowercase a, b, c, etc. after the year of publication.

Example :
Reference to a journal publication :

Lubis, M. Z., & Khoirunnisa, H. 2017. Dinamika Pantai Praikalogu di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Jurnal Integrasi, 8(2), 125-133.

Lubis, M. Z. 2017. Produksi Suara dan Tingkah Laku Lumba-Lumba Jantan Hidung Botol (Tursiops Aduncus) dengan Metode Bioakustik. Jurnal Integrasi, 8(1), 42-49.

Lubis, M. Z., & Anurogo, W. (2016). Fish stock estimation in Sikka Regency Waters, Indonesia using Single Beam Echosounder (CruzPro fish finder PcFF-80) with hydroacoustic survey method. Aceh Journal of Animal Science, 1(2), 70-78.

Lubis, M. Z., Anurogo, W., Khoirunnisa, H., Irawan, S., Gustin, O., & Roziqin, A. (2017). Using Side-Scan Sonar instrument to Characterize and map of seabed identification target in punggur sea of the Riau Islands, Indonesia. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 2(1), 1-8. 

Irawan, S. (2016). Pemetaan Pasang Surut Dan Arus Laut Pulau Batam Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Jalur Transportasi Antarpulau. Jurnal Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 9(1), 32-42.

Lubis, M. Z., & Manik, H. M. (2017). Acoustic systems (split beam echo sounder) to determine abundance of fish in marine fisheries. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 2(1), 76-83. 

Reference to a book :
Jennings, S., Kaiser, M., & Reynolds, J. D. 2009. Marine fisheries ecology. John Wiley & Sons.

Reference in proceeding :

Lubis, M. Z., Wulandari, P. D., & Pujiyati, S. 2015. Pengaruh Penambahan Kadar Garam Terhadap Studi Bioakustik Suara Stridulatory Gerak Ikan Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata). In The 1st International Conference on Maritim e Development Proceeding. Tanjungpinang pp (pp. 1-7).

Liu, G., Strong, A. E., Skirving, W., & Arzayus, L. F. 2006. Overview of NOAA coral reef watch program's near-real time satellite global coral bleaching monitoring activities. In Proceedings of the 10th international coral reef symposium: Okinawa (pp. 1783-1793).


Proofs will be sent by E-mail to the correspondence author and are expected to proofread the article carefully.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.