Formulation Strategy for User Acquisition of Financial Digital Apps in Indonesia Largest Local Bank


  • Yenita Yenita Universitas Tarumanagara, Faculty of Economic and Business



financial, digital apps, local bank, user acquisition, strategy


This study aims to increase user acquisition of financial digital applications owned by one of the largest micro, small and medium banks in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative method, in which data collection was qualitative research methods where carried out using in-depth interviews. In addition, there are several analytical methods starting from SWOT analysis, IFE Matrix, EFE Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix, and QSPM. The results of the analysis of the Grand Strategy Matrix show that Digital Finance Applications are in quadrant one position, where the strategic choices are Market Development, Penetration, and Product Development. After that, the final result of the analysis using QSPM is Market Penetration which has the highest rate, namely with TAS 6,700. With this market penetration, banks can include potential internal users who are already customers of the bank, and potential customers who will join as customers and application users. In addition, what can be done by the bank in the future is to provide things that can attract attention, namely to the social media community, holding events in areas that are still weak in user acquisition, and discount gimmicks, as well as promotions.


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