Design Of Voucher-Based Management Hotspot System Using Microtik On Rt/Rw Network In The Era Of The Covid-19 Pandemic


  • yovan sakti polibatam
  • Maidel Fani



Networking, Hotspot, Mikrotik, Laravel, Database


The spread of the Covid-19 virus at this time, which has reached the level of a
pandemic, has had a huge impact on many sectors, and one of them is the
education sector. All students starting from elementary, middle, high school,
and also the Batam College itself turned into online study through media
conference. Therefore, it is necessary to have adequate and cost-effective
internet access, to assist the smooth process of learning and teaching. One of
them is the need for cheap internet access that can reach the homes of residents
who have students, and also cheap. For this reason, in this final project, we
will design a Voucher-Based Hotspot Management System Using Mikrotik on
an Rt/Rw-Net Network in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era. In this final project, the
research method used is qualitative research. Respondents in this study were
local residents in the Villamas housing RT 02, and the final result of this
research is a hotspot system that will be used by working officer and local
students to be able to access the internet for online learning purposes.


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