Analysis Geological and Geophysical Data for Prediction Landslide Hazard Zone with Weight of Evidence Method in Pacitan District East Java


  • Radhitya Adzan Hidayah Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Jalan Kalisahak No 28, Yogyakarta
  • Nurul Dzakiya Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Jalan Kalisahak No 28, Yogyakarta



Pacitan, GIS, Weight of Evidence, Landslide


Pacitan district have an interesting anomaly. Every time mostly impacted by disaster especially landslide. Landslides in their various forms are common hazard in mountainous terrain, especially in seismically active areas and regions of high rainfall. Landslides are one of the most common natural hazards in the Southern Range East Java terrain, causing widespread damage to property and infrastructure, besides the loss of human lives almost every year. The aim of this study predicted the potential landslide using Weight of Evidence Method. The geological data used lithological data, structural data, contour data and, alteration. Results from this data analysis are six evidence maps, such as NE-SW lineament, NW-SE lineament, host rock, heat source, kaolinite alteration and iron oxide alteration maps. The geophysical data analysis the distribution of rock density to interpretation the landslides. Evidence maps were analyzed by weight of evidence methods to result in favorable maps where the validity was tested using conditional independence (CI), the pairwise and overall tests. Then, the analyses produced a posterior probability map of the landslide. Posterior probability map (mineral potential maps) was validated by checking field. Posterior probability map (after validation) or favorable map predicted approximately favorable zone and non-favourable zones. Favorable zones of Potential Landslide Hazard Zonation, are divided into three classes. They are high-potensial hazard, moderate hazard and low hazard.


Keywords: Pacitan, GIS, Weight of Evidence, Landslide


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