Land Use and Its Suitability to the Spatial Pattern in Batam City
Land Use, Suitability, Spatial Pattern.Abstract
Land use continues to grow as population increases in an area, various activities and human needs require land. Land use will affect the suitability of the spatial pattern determined by the Government stipulated in the laws and regulations governing spatial patterns. The purpose of this research is to identify land use that occurred in Batam City in 2019 and determine the suitability of the land use of the Batam City spatial pattern. In this study, the spatial pattern used is the spatial pattern obtained from BP Batam, this is because the spatial pattern originating from the Batam City Government has not yet been approved. The research method used is the method of Classification of Multispectral Maximum Likelihood and Overlay. The results of the map show the class of land use classifications totaling 11 classes in accordance with the class III land use classification class specified by Malingreau, which consists of lakes, forests, industry, pool, bare land, mangroves, ports, plantations, settlements, airports, and livestock. The results of the suitability of land use maps to the spatial pattern of Batam City indicate that the area of the area that is in accordance with the spatial pattern is 30986.77 Ha and the area that is not suitable is 34554.29 Ha.
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