Analysis of Rice Field Area Conversion in Sleman Regency from 2000 to 2015, Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery (Case Study: Ngaglik, Mlati and Depok Sub-District)
Analysis of Rice Field Area Conversion in Sleman Regency from 2000 to 2015, Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
Rice Field Conversion, Visual Interpretation, On-screen DigitizingAbstract
The purpose of this research is to find out how much area of rice fields which is reduced due to being converted into built-up land in Sleman Regency, especially in sub-districts which adjacent to Yogyakarta City, such as Depok Sub-district, Mlati Sub-district and Ngaglik Sub-district, from 2000 to 2015. Classification method used in this research is visual interpretation method which utilized on-screen digitization. The output of this research is a Map of Rice Field Conversion into Built-up Land at Depok, Mlati and Ngaglik Sub-district in Sleman Regency from 2000 to 2015. The results of this research prove that GIS can be used to determine the extent of changes in a rice field at Ngaglik, Depok and Mlati sub-districts. The area of rice field that was converted into built-up land in the research area is 864.45 ha.
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