Effect of DER, ROA, ROE, EPS and MVA on Stock Prices in Sharia Indonesian Stock Index


  • Martina Rut Utami Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • Arif Darmawan Politeknik Negeri Batam




stock prices, debt to equity ratio, return on asset, return on equity, earning per share, market value added


The research examine the effect of debt to equity ratio, return on assets, return on equity, earning per share, market value added on stock prices in manufacturing companies listed in Indonesian Sharia Stock Index. The purposive sampling method is used in our research, resulted 53 companies as the samples with 265 observations. The research used data during 2012-2016 from Indonesia Stock Exchange database with panel data analysis. The research found that, earning per share and market value added have a positive effect on stock prices, but different results for the variables debt to equity ratio, return on assets and return on equity partially have no effect on stock prices.


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Author Biographies

Martina Rut Utami, Politeknik Negeri Batam

Managerial Accounting

Arif Darmawan, Politeknik Negeri Batam

Accounting Department




How to Cite

Utami, M. R., & Darmawan, A. (2019). Effect of DER, ROA, ROE, EPS and MVA on Stock Prices in Sharia Indonesian Stock Index. Journal of Applied Accounting and Taxation, 4(1), 15–22. https://doi.org/10.30871/jaat.v4i1.1195

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