• Ruri Rantika Sari Program Studi D-4 Teknik Multimedia, Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Sambas
  • Milda Surgani Firdania Program Studi D-4 Teknik Multimedia, Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Sambas
  • Noferianto Sitompul Program Studi D-4 Teknik Multimedia, Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Sambas
Keywords: Sekura Village Office, animation, information, office, services


Sekura Village Office does not yet have the media to deliver the services at Sekura Village Office. The services at Sekura Village Office are in the form of population administration such as ID cards, family cards, birth certificates, marriages, deaths, and business permits. Information about services at Sekura Village Office has not been visualized properly. Currently, the information can be obtained by coming directly to the village office. Therefore, a 2D animated video was made entitled Keluarge Pak Wawan di Kantor Desa Sekura, which can provide information for the community about services at Sekura Village Office. This study aims to provide information about the services of Sekura Village Office so that it is better known to the public, especially the Sekura Village area in the form of 2D animation. The development method that will be used in making 2D animation is the Villamil-Molina method. This development method consists of 3 stages, namely Pre Production, Production, and Post Production. The results of this study are 2D animation in MP4 format.


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