of Applied Electrical Engineering2024-12-30T09:50:49+00:00Yesi Deviana[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>JAEE (Journal of Applied Electrical Engineering) e-ISSN: 2548-9682 is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Department of Electrical Engineering, Batamstate Polytechnic, Indonesia. It is a free-of-charge open access journal published in two issues per year (June, December). JAEE is accredited by the Ministry of Research and Technology <a href="ttps://">(No. 152/E/KPT/2023)</a>(SINTA 4).</p> Perencanaan Jalur menggunakan Algoritma Dijkstra pada Robot Roda Mecanum2024-12-30T09:50:32+00:00Senanjung Prayoga[email protected]Elmaria Ompu Sunggu[email protected]<p>This research develops a robot capable of moving from a starting point to a destination as well as avoiding collisions using Dijkstra's algorithm, which is effective in finding the shortest path. This algorithm is implemented on a mecanum robot equipped with an Arduino microcontroller, mini PC, battery, DC motor with encoder, motor driver, and related software. This study tested five maps with the same starting point and destination, but with different obstacle locations. The test results showed that the mecanum robot managed to find the path and avoid obstacles well. With an average maximum speed of 2.6 m/s, the robot can cover a distance of 3.2 meters without obstacles in 14.96 seconds, and a distance of 4.2 meters with obstacles in 22.82 seconds. This research demonstrates the potential of Dijkstra's algorithm in path planning and robot navigation, and underscores the importance of using the right hardware and software to achieve optimal performance. These results can serve as a basis for further development in the field of robotics, particularly in the application of autonomous robots in dynamic environments.</p>2024-12-30T08:13:17+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Rack Inventory Berbasis RFID Untuk Manajerial Gudang2024-12-30T09:50:34+00:00Iqbal Fadjar Muharramsyah[email protected]Samsul Mu’Arif[email protected]Abdurahman Dwijotomo[email protected]Kamarudin Kamarudin[email protected]Ridwan Ridwan[email protected]<p>In warehouse management within the industry, there are often condition named stock-opname where physical stock and recorded stock do not match. This discrepancy can be caused by human error, as most of the input process work is still performed manually. To address this issue, this research developed Smart Rack Inventory capable of detecting items stored on the rack based on the RFID codes attached to the stored items. Additionally, an interactive web interface is utilized for managing storage and retrieving information about stored items. From the test results, the tool can easily record and display stored items with RFID <em>tag</em>s when the orientation of the RFID sticker on the items aligns with the RFID sensor in the designed rack system. The success rate reached 100% at a distance of 60 cm. However, when the sticker's position is not aligned with the RFID sensor, where the RFID <em>tag</em> faces a direction opposite to the sensor, the smart rack system encounters difficulties in detecting and recording the item.</p>2024-12-30T08:16:28+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Sistem Monitoring Telemedis untuk Pengukuran Tekanan Darah Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) menggunakan MPX5700DP dan Jaringan LoRaWAN2024-12-30T09:50:36+00:00Mu'thiana Gusnam[email protected]Dessy Oktani[email protected]Rahmi Mahdaliza[email protected]Kamarudin Kamarudin[email protected]Muhammad Jaka Wimbang Wicaksono[email protected]Cindy Kristine Pasaribu[email protected]Rudcayanti Hutagaol[email protected]Wisnu Ferdinan[email protected]<p><em>The telemedicine monitoring system enables independent blood pressure monitoring that can be conducted by patients in real-time and remotely monitored by medical professionals through an Android application and Firebase web platform. This research aims to monitor blood pressure measurements using the </em>MPX5700DP<em> sensor connected to a LoRaWAN network. The results show that this device is capable of transmitting blood pressure values with high accuracy, with the systolic value having an accuracy of 97.5% and an error percentage of 2.5%, and the diastolic blood pressure showing an accuracy of 96.8% and an error percentage of 3.2%. The IoT-based telemedicine system for blood pressure monitoring with LoRa technology has the potential to enhance early detection and management of hypertension, as well as provide better access for both patients and healthcare professionals.</em></p>2024-12-30T08:19:02+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Monitoring Tambak Ikan berbasis Internet of Things menggunakan ESP322024-12-30T09:50:38+00:00Said Usman Sulaiman Al attas[email protected]Muhammad Jaka Wimbang Wicaksono[email protected]Asrizal Deri Futra[email protected]Diono Diono[email protected]Illa Aryeni[email protected]Abdullah Sani[email protected]<p>Upredictable natural conditions cause fish larvae to die because they cannot adapt to these condition<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">s</span>, leading to potential harvest failure. Changes in natural conditions due to weather result in unstable pH levels in pond water. Fish Farmers traditionally attempt to improve water pH quality using by manual pH meters, but This method has limitations if not monitored periodically. Based on this problems, researchers plan to develop a water acidity measurement tool using an IoT-based E4502C pH sensor to help fish farmers monitor pond pH levels through their smartphones. Testing the pH sensor showed an average error rate of 4.09% at pH 4, 2.47% at pH 7, and 6.31% at pH 9. More accurate results can be achieved by collecting more data and processing it to determine the average values before displaying them on the user interface.</p>2024-12-30T08:27:54+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Rekomendasi Produk Perawatan Kulit Wajah Menggunakan Metode Content Based Filtering (CBF)2024-12-30T09:50:40+00:00Saskia Febrianti[email protected]Rahmad Hidayat[email protected]Mulyadi Mulyadi[email protected]<p>Facial skin functions as a protective barrier against environmental pollution, including ultraviolet rays, which can cause wrinkles, aging, acne, and enlarged pores. Additionally, an unbalanced diet, lack of rest, and exposure to free radicals can further worsen skin conditions. Facial skincare is crucial as it relates to personal identity and health. Facial skin types are categorized into five groups: normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive, classified based on water and oil levels in the skin. A skincare product recommendation model is needed to assist consumers in finding products suitable for their skin issues. This need becomes increasingly significant given the wide variety of facial skincare products available in the market today. This study developed a recommendation model using the content-based filtering (CBF) method, which considers product characteristics such as ingredient composition. Experimental results show that the model effectively provides recommendations aligned with user preferences. The model demonstrated good performance, achieving an accuracy rate of 88.89%.</p>2024-12-30T08:30:41+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Monitoring Security Building Berbasis E-KTP dan NodeMCU ESP82662024-12-30T09:50:42+00:00Muh. Kharis Faahmi[email protected]Ibrahim Nawawi[email protected]Risky Via Yuliantari[email protected]<p>This article discusses a building security <em>monitoring</em> system based on the Internet of Things (IoT), designed to monitor the main door using the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol, a technology that enables long-distance data transmission with very low power consumption. The main advan<em>tag</em>e of this system is its energy efficiency, making it ideal for security applications that require long-term <em>monitoring</em> without draining resources. The system works by collecting data from sensors installed on the main door and sending it to a <em>web server</em>, where the data is stored and can be monitored in real-time by <em>user</em>s. This allows building managers to quickly detect and respond to potential security threats, such as unauthorized access or disturbances at the main door. In addition to providing accurate <em>monitoring</em>, the system also offers reliable protection, enhancing the overall security of the building. The ability to respond quickly to threats makes this system an effective and dependable security solution for safeguarding property.</p>2024-12-30T08:32:32+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Performa OpenPLC dengan PLC Komersial2024-12-30T09:50:44+00:00Enas Dhuhri Kusuma[email protected]Nifwan Arbi Nugroho[email protected]Addin Suwastono[email protected]Sujoko Sumaryono[email protected]<p>Conventional PLCs are usually expensive and less flexible. PLC manufacturers generally design their PLCs that they can only be programmed by software they have distributed themselves. This makes it difficult for educational facilities such as universities to train PLC operators. One alternative way to train PLC operators is to use the OpenPLC device. OpenPLC is a relatively inexpensive open source PLC device that is designed to work like a conventional PLC in terms of both hardware and software. This paper will discuss the performance comparison between a conventional PLC and the OpenPLC system. Several points that will be described in this paper include memory size, scan time, and logic expressions. This paper will also discuss several features available in one of the PLC variants. At the end of the section, the advantages and disadvantages of PLC and OpenPLC will be discussed along with their utilizations.</p>2024-12-30T08:34:34+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Bangun Manipulator Lengan Robot 4 Derajat Kebebasan untuk Mengangkat Telur Ayam Broiler Menggunakan Algoritma Levenberg-Marquardt2024-12-30T09:50:45+00:00Khairul Aman[email protected]Asran Asran[email protected]Dedi Fariadi[email protected]Muchlis Abdul Muthalib[email protected]Habib Muharry Yusdartono[email protected]<p>The robotic arm, wirelessly controlled via Bluetooth and an Android device, allows users to manipulate objects without direct contact. The <em>Force Sensitive Resistor</em> (FSR) sensor is employed to measure the gripping force of the <em>gripper</em>, while the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm ensures precise movement control. For delicate objects such as broiler chicken eggs, the <em>gripper</em> is designed to stop automatically upon reaching a <em>threshold</em> value of 552, which was obtained from an average of 11 manual data collections. When the FSR sensor detects a force exceeding this <em>threshold</em>, the algorithm halts the <em>gripper</em> to prevent damage to the object. From 10 experimental trials, the system demonstrated a 100% success rate, with the <em>gripper</em> stopping precisely without causing any damage to the eggs. The variation in pressure across different objects is believed to be due to differences in eggshell thickness or continuous sensor fluctuations during testing.</p>2024-12-30T08:36:34+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Sistem Kontrol dan Monitoring pada Wire Selection Boxes2024-12-30T09:50:46+00:00Ika Karlina Laila Nur Suciningtyas[email protected]Sumantri Kurniawan Risandriya[email protected]Aziz Ismail[email protected]Rifky Daniel Maulana[email protected]<p>The issue of incorrect material usage in the industry's production process is a primary focus for quality control, as it directly impacts customers. This research was conducted due to challenges in maintaining the continuity of the manual cable selection process. Currently, cable selection involves choosing cables stored in various boxes with different specifications. Therefore, a system is needed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the cable selection process. The approach used to address this issue involves developing a user interface for input, which is processed using a Raspberry Pi 4 connected to a servo motor that functions as the opener and closer of the cable storage boxes. The interface includes a login menu, a control menu, and a menu that allows users to add their own data. Additionally, the PCA9685 driver module is connected to the Raspberry Pi 4 to control 66 servo motors. The results of this research enhance the cable selection process by increasing its effectiveness and efficiency, as shown by a tool utilization effectiveness rate of 80.4%.</p>2024-12-30T08:39:27+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kendali Pintu Air Otomatis Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani2024-12-30T09:50:48+00:00Muhammad Syafei Gozali[email protected]Aditya Gautama[email protected]Adlian Jefiza[email protected]Diono Diono[email protected]Vika Rahmaini[email protected]Juhrial Amri[email protected]<p><em>The research carried out developed a Fuzzy Mamdani-based irrigation sluice control system. The prototype built consists of an irrigation canal which is limited by a sluice gate. In the electronic circuit, ESP32 is used as a controller which is equipped with an ultrasonic sensor to detect the water level which is installed on the supply side and irrigation channel respectively. The sluice gate is moved using a DC motor. Fuzzy input consists of the height of the supply water level and irrigation channel water level as well as planting or harvest time, with a combination of 18 fuzzy rules. The results of level sensor testing carried out on four height targets with 80 trials, obtained an average percentage error for each sensor of 0.3% and 0.2% with an accuracy of 99.7% and 99.8%. The results of testing the sluice gate with a fuzzy system have 100% conformity with the condition of the water gate opening and closing with the level and time of planting and harvesting.</em></p>2024-12-30T08:43:26+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##